Can Homo sapiens survive or is extinction inevitable?
After more than four billion years and multiple mass extinctions, intelligent species finally evolved on Earth. What prompted this? Was it inevitable? There are many opinions, but the only explanation that should really matter is the one that can be found in the history of evolution’s struggle to maintain life in a universe ensnared in a perpetual cycle of birth, life, and death.
Evolution versus the Universe in the Struggle for Life and Survival

14th National Indie Excellence Award Finalist

Survival Concepts
The Evolutionary Game of Life

Evolve, Adapt, Innovate, Mature, Migrate to Survive, – or go Extinct
When it comes down to the question of survival versus extinction, evolution appears to have always sided with species survival, endowing each with the ability to survive and persist through reproduction and to preserve their survival through migration.

Dinosaurs survived 165 million years
Homo sapiens just 300,000 so far
Can We do better?
Only If We Choose

Freedom to Choose
Inevitably, at some point during its evolution, an intelligent species will be confronted with at least one existential threat, and it must be free, willing, and able to choose to survive to avoid extinction.
Facing and making this choice as a species will not only be the most important conscious choice it will ever have to make, more importantly, it might actually be the sole reason for its existence.
Failing to choose to survive wouldn’t merely be choosing to fail but a choice to go extinct as a species.

Author with a non-anthropocentric worldview informed by looking at our world, human history, civilizations and innovations, from an evolutionary perspective; one that explores whether our inventions, technologies and innovations are driving our survival or potential extinction as a species.
Author with a non-anthropocentric worldview informed by looking at our world, human history, civilizations and innovations, from an evolutionary perspective; one that explores whether our inventions, technologies and innovations are driving our survival or potential extinction as a species.